To the Lighthouse

To the Lighthouse


Virginia Woolf

To the Lighthouse: The Window, 1 Quiz 7 questions

Test your knowledge of The Window, 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How does the novel's opening differ from traditional Victorian novels?
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The novel begins with a detailed description of the setting
The novel begins in the middle of a conversation
The novel opens with a dense introduction of each character
The novel begins with a philosophical dialogue
How do Mrs. Ramsay's daughters view her adherence to traditional gender roles?
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They feel restricted by her conventional views and aspire to lead a more adventurous life
They are inspired by her strength and want to emulate her in every aspect
They resent her for not encouraging them to pursue their own dreams
They admire her despite their own reluctance to fulfill conventional gender roles
Why did Mrs. Ramsay invite Charles Tansley to run errands with her and James one day?
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Because she wanted to show James that Tansley is nice to spend time with
Because she wanted to show James that Tansley is insufferable
Because she pitied Tansley after everyone left him all alone
Because she hoped to change Tansley's self-absorbed behavior by including him
What is the significance of Mrs. Ramsay refusing Mr. Tansley's offer to carry her purse?
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It shows her desire to assert her independence despite her traditional views
It indicates her lack of trust in Mr. Tansley's intentions
It is a subtle rebuke of Mr. Tansley's self-satisfied attitude
She prefers to maintain a professional distance with Mr. Tansley
Why does Mr. Tansley share his personal background and ambitions with Mrs. Ramsay during their walk?
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He wants to impress her with his academic aspirations and financial independence
He seeks Mrs. Ramsay's advice on how to achieve success in his academic career
He is trying to justify why he cannot participate in social activities like attending a circus
He feels comfortable with Mrs. Ramsay and wants to explain his lack of social experiences
Why does Mr. Tansley assume Mrs. Ramsey must be engaging in criticism when she comments about the painters they see gathered on the quay?
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Because he is obsessed with criticism of modern painting techniques
Because he defines his own life through intellectual critique
Because he thinks Mrs. Ramsey is too intelligent to make small talk
Because he suspects that Mrs. Ramsey is secretly a gifted artist
What realization did Mr. Tansley come to while waiting for Mrs. Ramsay in town?
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He realized that she is the most beautiful person he has ever seen
He acknowledged her intelligence and profound understanding of social issues
He decided that her perspective on art and beauty is more insightful than his own
He understood her importance in the local community and her impact on people