

Louise Erdrich

Father Damien Character Analysis

The Catholic priest who attempts to help the tribes people navigate their relationships with the Agent. He is an understanding figure who tries to help the Nanapush, Kashpaws, and Pillagers understand the threats they face, helps them attain rations when absolutely necessary, and brings a western doctor when Lulu is frostbitten. He is a good friend of Nanapush, despite Nanapush’s skepticism about the church.
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Father Damien Character Timeline in Tracks

The timeline below shows where the character Father Damien appears in Tracks. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Winter 1912, Manitou-geezisohns, Little Spirit Sun
Father Damien , a young new priest, appears at their door one day to say that Fleur’s... (full context)
Chapter 3: Fall 1913-Spring 2014, Onaubin-geezis, Crust on the Snow Sun
...power each time the government uses it, and so he refuses to give it to Father Damien and the Agent. A Captain comes to deliver a ration payout for the first treaty,... (full context)
Father Damien appears the next day to secretly baptize the child, but Fleur hears what’s happening and... (full context)
Chapter 5: Fall 1917-Spring 1918, Manitou-geezis, Strong Spirit Sun
...the differing opinions about money and settlements. Nanapush, Margaret, and Lulu go to church, where Father Damien is happy to finally see Nanapush. At church Nanapush thinks about how he is more... (full context)
Father Damien asks if Nanapush and Margaret will marry, and Nanapush tries to shock him by saying... (full context)
Chapter 6: Spring 1918-Winter 1919, Payaetonookaedaed-geeziz, Wood Louse Sun
Pauline sees herself out, saying she’ll send Father Damien and Bernadette. Margaret, holding a knife, spits on Pauline’s shoes and then her veil, and... (full context)
Chapter 7: Winter 1918-Spring 1919, Paguk Beboon, Skeleton Winter
Father Damien arrives with the off-reservation doctor, and with butter to spread on Lulu’s frostbitten skin. The... (full context)
Margaret volunteers to go and leaves the cabin for town. She returns with Father Damien , who has a pack of provisions for the family. Nanapush greets the priest, and... (full context)
Nanapush tells Father Damien that the government can’t tax their parcels of land because they are in trust, but... (full context)
Father Damien visits to tell how he stumbled upon a naked, dead baby in the snow, and... (full context)
...just after the deadline. All of the family contributes every cent they have, and then Father Damien adds the last necessary quarter. They have just enough for both the Pillager and Kashpaw... (full context)
Chapter 8: Spring 1919, Baubaukunaetae-geezis, Patches of Earth Sun
People gather on shore, including the women from the convent. Father Damien launches a canoe onto the water, but the water carries him back to shore. Pauline... (full context)