

Louise Erdrich

Lily Vedder Character Analysis

A man who works at the butcher shop in Argus, who gambles with Fleur and then attacks her for her consistent winnings. Lily has a small dog that seems both intimidated by and frightened by Fleur, and, of the three shop employees, seems the most angry about Fleur’s poker winnings, leading the attack on her. Lily dies in the storm soon after Fleur is attacked.

Lily Vedder Quotes in Tracks

The Tracks quotes below are all either spoken by Lily Vedder or refer to Lily Vedder . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

It wasn't that Fleur won that hooked them in so, because she lost hands, too. It was rather that she never had a freak deal or even anything above a straight. She only took on her low cards, which didn’t sit right. By chance, Fleur should have gotten a full or a flush by now. The irritating thing was she beat with pairs and never bluffed, because she couldn’t, and still she ended each night with exactly one dollar. Lily couldn’t believe, first of all, that a woman could be smart enough to play cards, but even if she was, that she would then be stupid enough to cheat for a dollar a night.

Related Characters: Pauline Puyat (speaker), Fleur Pillager, Lily Vedder
Page Number: 21
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Lily Vedder Quotes in Tracks

The Tracks quotes below are all either spoken by Lily Vedder or refer to Lily Vedder . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

It wasn't that Fleur won that hooked them in so, because she lost hands, too. It was rather that she never had a freak deal or even anything above a straight. She only took on her low cards, which didn’t sit right. By chance, Fleur should have gotten a full or a flush by now. The irritating thing was she beat with pairs and never bluffed, because she couldn’t, and still she ended each night with exactly one dollar. Lily couldn’t believe, first of all, that a woman could be smart enough to play cards, but even if she was, that she would then be stupid enough to cheat for a dollar a night.

Related Characters: Pauline Puyat (speaker), Fleur Pillager, Lily Vedder
Page Number: 21
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