Train to Pakistan


Khushwant Singh

Juggut Singh / Jugga Character Analysis

Juggut is a Sikh peasant who is jailed on the false charge of committing the dacoity, or robbery, of Lala Ram Lal. Described as six-foot-four and broad “like a stud bull,” Juggut was once a member of Malli’s gang—the true culprits of the crime against Lala Ram Lal—and is burdened by both his own criminal past and the notorious reputation of his father, the robber Alam Singh. Juggut’s girlfriend, Nooran, whom he impregnates on the evening of the robbery, is the daughter of the Muslim weaver Imam Baksh. While in jail Juggut shares a cell with Iqbal Singh, whose education and experiences in Britain Juggut regards with admiration. At the end of the novel, the author implies that Juggut is the “big man” who rescues a group of refugees from being killed on a train going to Pakistan.

Juggut Singh / Jugga Quotes in Train to Pakistan

The Train to Pakistan quotes below are all either spoken by Juggut Singh / Jugga or refer to Juggut Singh / Jugga. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
1. Dacoity Quotes

“Yes, the Englishmen have gone but the rich Indians have taken their place. What have you or your fellow villagers got out of independence? More bread or more clothes? You are in the same handcuffs and fetters which the English put on you. We have to get together and rise. We have nothing to lose but these chains.” Iqbal emphasized the last sentence by raising his hands up to his face and jerking them as if the movement would break the handcuffs.

Related Characters: Iqbal Singh (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Mahatma Gandhi , Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 60
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2. Kalyug Quotes

“Toba, toba! Kill my own village banian? Babuji, who kills a hen which lays eggs? Besides, Ram Lal gave me money to pay lawyers when my father was in jail. I would not act like a bastard.”

“I suppose they will let you off now.”

“The police are the kings of the country. They will let me off when they feel like it. If they want to keep me in, they will trump up a case of keeping a spear without a license or going out of the village without permission—or just anything.”

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga (speaker), Iqbal Singh (speaker), Alam Singh, Lala Ram Lal, Malli
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:

It was not possible to keep Indians off the subject of sex for long. It obsessed their minds. It came out in their art, literature, and religion … One read it in the advertisements of quacks who proclaimed to possess remedies for barrenness and medicines to induce wombs to yield male children. One heard about it all the time … Conversation on any topic—politics, philosophy, sport—soon came down to sex, which everyone enjoyed with a lot of giggling and hand-slapping.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Nooran / Nooro, Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:

“The mem-sahibs are like houris from paradise—white and soft, like silk. All we have here are black buffaloes.”

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga (speaker), Iqbal Singh, Lala Ram Lal, Malli
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:

“Sir, the Babu’s name is Iqbal Singh. He is a Sikh. He has been living in England and had his long hair cut.” The subinspector fixed the head constable with a stare and smiled. “There are many Iqbals. I am talking of a Mohammed Iqbal, you are thinking of Iqbal Singh. Mohammed Iqbal can be a member of the Muslim League.” “I understand, sir,” repeated the head constable, but he had not really understood. He hoped he would catch up with the scheme in due course. “Your orders will be carried out.”

Related Characters: The Subinspector / Inspector Sahib (speaker), The Head Constable (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Hukum Chand
Page Number: 113
Explanation and Analysis:
4. Karma Quotes

Iqbal realized that it was the company of Jugga and the constable, who were known Sikhs, that really saved him from being stopped and questioned. He wished he could get out of this place where he had to prove his Sikhism to save his life … He cursed his luck for having a name like Iqbal, and then for being a… Where on earth except in India would a man’s life depend on whether or not his foreskin had been removed? It would be laughable if it were not tragic … If only he could get out to Delhi and to civilization! He would report on his arrest; the party paper would frontpage the news with his photograph: ANGLO-AMERICAN CAPitalIST CONSPIRACY TO CREATE CHAOS (lovely alliteration). COMRADE IQBAL IMPRISONED ON BORDER. It would all go to make him a hero.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Meet Singh
Related Symbols: Bangles
Page Number: 164
Explanation and Analysis:

The leader raised his rifle to his shoulder and fired. He hit his mark and one of the man’s legs came off the rope and dangled in the air. The other was still twined round the rope. He slashed away in frantic haste. The engine was only a few yards off … Somebody fired another shot. The man’s body slid off the rope, but he clung to it with his hands and chin. He pulled himself up, caught the rope under his left armpit, and again started hacking with his right hand. The rope had been cut in shreds. Only a thin tough strand remained. He went at it with the knife, and then with his teeth. The engine was almost on him. There was a volley of shots. The man shivered and collapsed. The rope snapped in the center as he fell. The train went over him, and went on to Pakistan.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Meet Singh, Nooran / Nooro
Related Symbols: Railway Bridge
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis:
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Juggut Singh / Jugga Quotes in Train to Pakistan

The Train to Pakistan quotes below are all either spoken by Juggut Singh / Jugga or refer to Juggut Singh / Jugga. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
1. Dacoity Quotes

“Yes, the Englishmen have gone but the rich Indians have taken their place. What have you or your fellow villagers got out of independence? More bread or more clothes? You are in the same handcuffs and fetters which the English put on you. We have to get together and rise. We have nothing to lose but these chains.” Iqbal emphasized the last sentence by raising his hands up to his face and jerking them as if the movement would break the handcuffs.

Related Characters: Iqbal Singh (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Mahatma Gandhi , Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 60
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2. Kalyug Quotes

“Toba, toba! Kill my own village banian? Babuji, who kills a hen which lays eggs? Besides, Ram Lal gave me money to pay lawyers when my father was in jail. I would not act like a bastard.”

“I suppose they will let you off now.”

“The police are the kings of the country. They will let me off when they feel like it. If they want to keep me in, they will trump up a case of keeping a spear without a license or going out of the village without permission—or just anything.”

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga (speaker), Iqbal Singh (speaker), Alam Singh, Lala Ram Lal, Malli
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:

It was not possible to keep Indians off the subject of sex for long. It obsessed their minds. It came out in their art, literature, and religion … One read it in the advertisements of quacks who proclaimed to possess remedies for barrenness and medicines to induce wombs to yield male children. One heard about it all the time … Conversation on any topic—politics, philosophy, sport—soon came down to sex, which everyone enjoyed with a lot of giggling and hand-slapping.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Nooran / Nooro, Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:

“The mem-sahibs are like houris from paradise—white and soft, like silk. All we have here are black buffaloes.”

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga (speaker), Iqbal Singh, Lala Ram Lal, Malli
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:

“Sir, the Babu’s name is Iqbal Singh. He is a Sikh. He has been living in England and had his long hair cut.” The subinspector fixed the head constable with a stare and smiled. “There are many Iqbals. I am talking of a Mohammed Iqbal, you are thinking of Iqbal Singh. Mohammed Iqbal can be a member of the Muslim League.” “I understand, sir,” repeated the head constable, but he had not really understood. He hoped he would catch up with the scheme in due course. “Your orders will be carried out.”

Related Characters: The Subinspector / Inspector Sahib (speaker), The Head Constable (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Hukum Chand
Page Number: 113
Explanation and Analysis:
4. Karma Quotes

Iqbal realized that it was the company of Jugga and the constable, who were known Sikhs, that really saved him from being stopped and questioned. He wished he could get out of this place where he had to prove his Sikhism to save his life … He cursed his luck for having a name like Iqbal, and then for being a… Where on earth except in India would a man’s life depend on whether or not his foreskin had been removed? It would be laughable if it were not tragic … If only he could get out to Delhi and to civilization! He would report on his arrest; the party paper would frontpage the news with his photograph: ANGLO-AMERICAN CAPitalIST CONSPIRACY TO CREATE CHAOS (lovely alliteration). COMRADE IQBAL IMPRISONED ON BORDER. It would all go to make him a hero.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Meet Singh
Related Symbols: Bangles
Page Number: 164
Explanation and Analysis:

The leader raised his rifle to his shoulder and fired. He hit his mark and one of the man’s legs came off the rope and dangled in the air. The other was still twined round the rope. He slashed away in frantic haste. The engine was only a few yards off … Somebody fired another shot. The man’s body slid off the rope, but he clung to it with his hands and chin. He pulled himself up, caught the rope under his left armpit, and again started hacking with his right hand. The rope had been cut in shreds. Only a thin tough strand remained. He went at it with the knife, and then with his teeth. The engine was almost on him. There was a volley of shots. The man shivered and collapsed. The rope snapped in the center as he fell. The train went over him, and went on to Pakistan.

Related Characters: Juggut Singh / Jugga, Iqbal Singh, Meet Singh, Nooran / Nooro
Related Symbols: Railway Bridge
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis: