Train to Pakistan


Khushwant Singh

Mahatma Gandhi Character Analysis

An Indian lawyer, politician, writer, and social activist known for his successful use of civil disobedience, or non-violent protest. In 1920, he became a leader in the Indian National Congress and used his political clout to promote Indian nationalism. Gandhi argued that Indians remained under British colonial rule not so much out of fear of British power and weaponry, but due to their own flaws. Gandhi started boycotts of British businesses and institutions in India, though this initial effort was unsuccessful in getting the British to relinquish power over the then-colony. In 1942, fed up with what he perceived as a dishonest offer from the British to transfer power to Indians, and upset, too, with their encouragement of discord between Hindus and Muslims, Gandhi demanded that the British immediately withdraw from India. In the same year, Gandhi was imprisoned in the Aga Khan Palace (now the Gandhi National Memorial), as part of the British effort to crush the Congress Party. He was released in 1944. By 1945, a series of negotiations between the newly-elected Labor Party in England, the Indian National Congress, and the Muslim League led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah, resulted in the Mountbatten Plan—an agreement to partition British India into the separate states of India and Pakistan. Gandhi sorely regretted his inability to help create a united, independent India. To protest the communal riots which broke out between Hindus and Muslims from 1946-1947, Gandhi went on hunger strikes. His fast in September 1947 helped end riots in Calcutta. On January 30, 1948, while walking to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi, he was shot and killed by Nathuram Godse, a young man who was a Hindu fanatic.

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes in Train to Pakistan

The Train to Pakistan quotes below are all either spoken by Mahatma Gandhi or refer to Mahatma Gandhi . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
1. Dacoity Quotes

“Yes, the Englishmen have gone but the rich Indians have taken their place. What have you or your fellow villagers got out of independence? More bread or more clothes? You are in the same handcuffs and fetters which the English put on you. We have to get together and rise. We have nothing to lose but these chains.” Iqbal emphasized the last sentence by raising his hands up to his face and jerking them as if the movement would break the handcuffs.

Related Characters: Iqbal Singh (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Mahatma Gandhi , Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 60
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Mahatma Gandhi Quotes in Train to Pakistan

The Train to Pakistan quotes below are all either spoken by Mahatma Gandhi or refer to Mahatma Gandhi . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
1. Dacoity Quotes

“Yes, the Englishmen have gone but the rich Indians have taken their place. What have you or your fellow villagers got out of independence? More bread or more clothes? You are in the same handcuffs and fetters which the English put on you. We have to get together and rise. We have nothing to lose but these chains.” Iqbal emphasized the last sentence by raising his hands up to his face and jerking them as if the movement would break the handcuffs.

Related Characters: Iqbal Singh (speaker), Juggut Singh / Jugga, Mahatma Gandhi , Lala Ram Lal
Page Number: 60
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