Train to Pakistan


Khushwant Singh

“Brother” or “cousin” in Hindi. “Bhaiji” is a similar term of endearment, but it includes the gender-neutral honorific ending “-ji,” which is commonly used in many South Asian languages and dialects to show respect.

Bhai Quotes in Train to Pakistan

The Train to Pakistan quotes below are all either spoken by Bhai or refer to Bhai. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
4. Karma Quotes

“For each Hindu or Sikh they kill, kill two Mussulmans. For each woman they abduct or rape, abduct two. For each home they loot, loot two. For each trainload of dead they send over, send two across. For each road convoy that is attacked, attack two. That will stop the killing on the other side. It will teach them that we also play this game of killing and looting” … “I was going to say,” said Meet Singh haltingly, “I was going to say,” he repeated, “what have the Muslims here done to us for us to kill them in revenge for what Muslims in Pakistan are doing? Only people who have committed crimes should be punished.” The lad glared angrily at Meet Singh. “What had the Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan done that they were butchered? Weren’t they innocent?”

Related Characters: Meet Singh (speaker), Boy Leader (speaker), Banta Singh
Page Number: 149
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Bhai Term Timeline in Train to Pakistan

The timeline below shows where the term Bhai appears in Train to Pakistan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
1. Dacoity
...each other, then Iqbal asks if he can stay for two or three days. The bhai agrees but tells the young man to cover his hair and not to bring in... (full context)
4. Karma
...for people listen to him. The priest says that no one listens to an old bhai. In bad times, there is no faith or religion. Iqbal insists that this cannot be... (full context)