True Grit


Charles Portis

Mattie’s pony, which she buys from Stonehill. Blackie belongs to the group of ponies that Frank Ross bought from Stonehill just before dying, meaning that Mattie effectively sells Blackie back to Stonehill only to purchase him once again when she decides to go on the manhunt with Rooster. Mattie feels strongly for Blackie, who she sees as a loyal animal. When Rooster rescues her from the snake pit, he rides Blackie back toward Fort Smith, but the horse dies of exhaustion before reaching town.
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Blackie Character Timeline in True Grit

The timeline below shows where the character Blackie appears in True Grit. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Revenge Theme Icon
Maturity, Independence, and Expectations Theme Icon
Collaboration, Companionship, and Loyalty Theme Icon
Violence, Courage, and Intelligence Theme Icon
...Mattie goes to Stonehill’s barn and buys back the best looking pony, whom she names Blackie. During the transaction, she mentions that she’ll be traveling with Rooster, and Stonehill says, “How... (full context)
Revenge Theme Icon
Collaboration, Companionship, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...early start” the next day. When Stonehill agrees, Mattie arranges to have the watchman prepare Blackie an hour before dawn and to wake her up. (full context)
Maturity, Independence, and Expectations Theme Icon
Violence, Courage, and Intelligence Theme Icon
...Indian Territory. After waiting for them to appear, she boards the boat while still riding Blackie. However, LaBoeuf calls to a deckhand and asks him to lead her off the ferry,... (full context)
Maturity, Independence, and Expectations Theme Icon
Collaboration, Companionship, and Loyalty Theme Icon
At the narrowest section of the river, Mattie steers Blackie into the water, and though the current is strong, she manages to thrash through to... (full context)
Chapter 7
Revenge Theme Icon
Maturity, Independence, and Expectations Theme Icon
Violence, Courage, and Intelligence Theme Icon
...while, Farrell points out Rooster and LaBoeuf, who are riding away on the ridge with Blackie walking behind them. (full context)
Collaboration, Companionship, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...long, Rooster belays down and LaBoeuf hoists them both up by tying the rope to Blackie. By the time she’s out of the pit, Mattie is weak and loopy, and Rooster... (full context)
Revenge Theme Icon
Maturity, Independence, and Expectations Theme Icon
Violence, Courage, and Intelligence Theme Icon
Rooster pushes Blackie hard throughout the journey. Eventually, the poor horse slows down, but Rooster continues to whip... (full context)