An outlaw whom , , and find in a dugout in Indian Territory. Along with his companion , Moon is waiting for and his gang, planning to give them a group of stolen horses to make their getaway easier in the aftermath of their mail-train heist. To get Moon and Quincy to come out of the hut, Rooster tells LaBoeuf to put a jacket over the chimney, which forces them to open the door, at which point Rooster shoots into the smoke, ultimately hitting Moon in the leg. Eventually, Quincy tells them they won’t fight back, and the trio enters the dugout, where they question the men about what they’re doing. Although Quincy refuses to say anything about Ned Pepper, Moon is afraid that he’s going to die, so he’s more willing to cooperate, since Rooster promises to help treat his injuries if he gives them information. As he tries to do this, though, Quincy chops off four of Moon’s fingers with a knife, at which point LaBoeuf shoots Quincy in the neck. In his final moments, Moon tells the trio that Lucky Ned Pepper and his gang are planning to come to the dugout sometime that night to retrieve the horses that he and Quincy stole for them.