The Watts truce was a 1992 peace agreement negotiated among Los Angeles’s rival street gangs. It significantly minimized street violence in Los Angeles over the following decades.
Watts Truce Quotes in Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992
The Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 quotes below are all either spoken by Watts Truce or refer to Watts Truce. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
These Curious People
Why do I have to be on a side?
Related Characters:Stanley K. Sheinbaum (speaker)
Related Themes:
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Watts Truce Term Timeline in Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992
The timeline below shows where the term Watts Truce appears in Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
These Curious People
...good friend, Maxine Waters, to witness the police break up gangs meeting to negotiate the Watts gang truce . When they arrived, the place was swarming with police.
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Surfer’s Desert civil rights movement “like we need sunshine, and […] fresh air.” He praises the gang truce that has just taken place in the city, seeing it as a “sign of /...
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Lightning But No Rain
...interviews Theresa Allison, founder of Mothers Reclaiming Our Children (Mothers ROC), and the mother of gang truce architect Dewayne Holmes. Alison talks about the origins of Mothers ROC, which began on November...
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Bubble Gum Machine Man
...interviews Allen Cooper, a.k.a. Big Al, an ex-gang member, ex-con, and current activist for the national truce movement . Cooper talks about the crimes of assault and battery the LA Four were accused...
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Limbo/Twilight #2
Smith interviews Twilight Bey, organizer of the gang truce . They meet in a Denny’s restaurant in February of 1993. Twilight explains the origins...
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