V for Vendetta


Alan Moore

Guy Fawkes Mask Symbol Analysis

Arguably the most important symbol in V for Vendetta—and certainly the most recognizable—is the Guy Fawkes mask that V wears. In modern society in general, this mask has become a symbol of anarchism, revolution, and civil disobedience—for example, demonstrators in Egypt and at Occupy Wall Street in New York City wore the iconic mask to show their disapproval of the government. (Interestingly, Moore only identifies the mask as a “Guy Fawkes” mask a handful of times.) Within the graphic novel, the mask is a powerful symbol: it communicates the wearer’s allegiance to the spirit of Guy Fawkes—the man who tried and failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the 16th century (see Background Info)—and his opposition to the Norsefire government that controls England. One important element of the mask’s power as a symbol is its anonymity: anyone can wear the mask and embody the spirit of rebellion. We see this first-hand in the graphic novel, as in the final chapters, Evey Hammond dons V’s mask and “becomes” V. In the end, then, the Guy Fawkes mask represents symbols at their most powerful: they can transform individual, flawed people into something more powerful and create movements.

Guy Fawkes Mask Quotes in V for Vendetta

The V for Vendetta quotes below all refer to the symbol of Guy Fawkes Mask. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 3, Chapter 7 Quotes

“Did you think to kill me? There’s no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There’s only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof.”

Related Characters: V (speaker), Mr. Eric Finch
Related Symbols: Guy Fawkes Mask, “V” symbol
Page Number: 236
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Book 3, Chapter 9 Quotes

Because you were so big, V, and what if you’re just nobody? Or even if you’re someone, you’ll be smaller, because of all the people that you could have been, but weren’t.

Related Characters: Evey Hammond (speaker), V
Related Symbols: Guy Fawkes Mask, “V” symbol
Page Number: 250
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Guy Fawkes Mask Symbol Timeline in V for Vendetta

The timeline below shows where the symbol Guy Fawkes Mask appears in V for Vendetta. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 1, Chapter 1: The Villain
...second puts on gloves, a long, black cloak, a set of daggers, and a strange mask. The mask shows a pale man’s smiling face. Meanwhile the voice continues to describe news... (full context)
As the woman tries to protest, the second figure, dressed in his cloak and mask, walks toward the fingermen. He quotes from the first act of Macbeth, calling the fingermen... (full context)
...captured some footage of the terrorist responsible for the plot—however, because he is wearing a mask, it’s impossible to identify him. The second man, Mr. Brian Etheridge, speaking for “The Ear,”... (full context)
Book 1, Chapter 4: Vaudeville
The narrative cuts to “Scotland Yard, later.” V, wearing his usual cloak and mask, skillfully maneuvers his way past a security guard. When the security guard catches a glimpse... (full context)
Book 1, Chapter 9: Violence
...she is. We see that the figure is V, dressed in his usual cloak and mask. The woman buries her head in her hands and whispers, “Thank God.” (full context)
Book 1, Chapter 10: Venom
...asks to see V’s face one more time before her death. V obliges, removing his mask. Delia stares at V’s face (which we don’t see), unafraid, and whispers, “It’s beautiful.” With... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 1: The Vanishing
...her great surprise, however, “V” falls apart: V has gone, replacing himself with a dummy, mask, and tape recorder. Evey is standing alone in the middle of the street. (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 5: The Vacation
...When they inspect the body, however, they find that “V” is actually Dascombe, wearing V’s mask and cloak—V has switched places with Dascombe to make his escape. (full context)
...him anymore. We see that Evey is reading the paper, which has the headline, “ Guy Fawkes Video Error.” (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 12: The Verdict
...Gallery. V is standing in the center of the room, wearing his usual cloak and mask. He says, “Welcome home.” (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 14: Vignettes
...Shadow Gallery, V sits at the piano. Evey walks into the room and kisses V’s mask. She thanks him for setting her free. V tells Evey that he didn’t do anything—she... (full context)
Book 3, Chapter 1: Vox Populi
...a Paki.” As this conversation goes on, we shift to a view of V’s smiling mask. V notes that the “silent majority” is easily destroyed—all it takes is one loud noise.... (full context)
Book 3, Chapter 9: The Vigil
...the people to build a new world. He adds that Evey must never remove his mask. He tells Evey that the Victoria Line is blocked between Whitehall and St. James, and... (full context)
...dead. Evey finally comes to V’s dressing room, where she finds another copy of V’s mask. She remembers V’s advice: anarchy is both a force of destruction and one of creation. (full context)
...where she finds V’s body, still lying on the ground. She contemplates pulling off V’s mask, and finding a completely normal face beneath. She also imagines pulling off the mask and... (full context)
...the mirror, her mouth curls into a broad smile: exactly like the smile on V’s mask. (full context)
Book 3, Chapter 10: The Volcano
...station and climbs back to the surface. After a few moments, she takes off her mask: it is Evey. Evey watches a large explosion in the distance: Downing Street is no... (full context)
...that the task ahead of her is phenomenally difficult, but crucial. She puts on her mask and returns to the Shadow Gallery. There she finds Dominic, lying on the floor. Dominic... (full context)