When They Call You a Terrorist


Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele

Carla is a friend Patrisse made during her sophomore year at Cleveland High School. She was loud, energetic, and queer, and Patrisse was immediately drawn to her. They ended up developing a deep friendship that has lasted into adulthood. Carla is one of the friends who started writing to Monte the first time he was in prison and went to pick him up with Patrisse when he was released. When Carla was kicked out of her home during their junior year, Patrisse also moved out of her family’s one-bedroom apartment and, for over a year, they alternated between sleeping in Carla’s car and staying with friends. When their teacher Donna Hill invited them to live with her after graduation, they lived with her together for years. Carla was part of Monte’s re-entry team when he was released from prison the second time and also Patrisse’s go-to for support when she was pregnant and JT didn’t show up to take her to her doctor’s appointments. Carla is a member of the chosen family that Patrisse has built around her.

Carla Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Carla or refer to Carla. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 6 Quotes

She is the first adult who doesn’t think who we are, how we live and love, needs anything but support, some architecture. She understands our, Carla’s and mine, emerging idea of building intentional family, a concept that I suppose will later become the basis of our theory of change.

To outsiders—in many cases outsiders being our families—our relationships may have seemed complex or odd or even dangerous. But to us they made sense. To us they were oxygen and still are.

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Carla, Donna Hill
Page Number: 83
Explanation and Analysis:
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Carla Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Carla or refer to Carla. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 6 Quotes

She is the first adult who doesn’t think who we are, how we live and love, needs anything but support, some architecture. She understands our, Carla’s and mine, emerging idea of building intentional family, a concept that I suppose will later become the basis of our theory of change.

To outsiders—in many cases outsiders being our families—our relationships may have seemed complex or odd or even dangerous. But to us they made sense. To us they were oxygen and still are.

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Carla, Donna Hill
Page Number: 83
Explanation and Analysis: