When They Call You a Terrorist


Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele

Cherice Character Analysis

Cherice is Patrisse’s mother. Cherice’s middle-class Jehovah’s Witness family disowned her when she revealed she was pregnant with Paul at 16 years old. Despite this, she didn’t give up on the Jehovah’s Witness tradition, attending church every week and working to be accepted back into the community (which she achieved when Patrisse was in high school). After Alton left the family, Cherice worked 16-hour days at low-paying jobs in order to provide for her four children. She was not an affectionate mother, which Patrisse sees as resulting from the fatigue of single motherhood; she was just trying to make sure her family survived. Still, there were moments when she let her emotions out, such as when Monte was brought strapped to a gurney to his hearing in the midst of a full-on manic episode and shouted out for her before they rolled him out. Patrisse saw Cherice’s tears and shame as evidence that she felt responsible for Monte’s mental illness and current predicament, but Patrisse believed that oppressive social structures were really to blame. Cherice and Patrisse together raised the funds to pay for Monte’s legal fees when the rest of the family stepped away. Cherice also attended some of the organizing events that Patrisse helped to plan when she was involved with Strategy Center, which led to Patrisse feeling closer to her. After Monte was released from prison the second time and struggling to stay mentally stable or find work, Cherice moved herself and Monte to Las Vegas, where the cost of living was lower.

Cherice Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Cherice or refer to Cherice. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 8 Quotes

Is this my mother who is gripped, albeit wrongly, with guilt? Is she in this moment wondering what she did or did not do to ensure her baby, her Monte, be kept safe from the nightmare he's been cast into? Is my mother the fallout, the collateral damage in the battle to elevate personal responsibility over everything, over all those decisions that were made about state budget priorities, about wages, about the presence of police, and even about damn grocery stores and access to quality food?

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Monte Cullors, Cherice
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
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Cherice Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Cherice or refer to Cherice. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 8 Quotes

Is this my mother who is gripped, albeit wrongly, with guilt? Is she in this moment wondering what she did or did not do to ensure her baby, her Monte, be kept safe from the nightmare he's been cast into? Is my mother the fallout, the collateral damage in the battle to elevate personal responsibility over everything, over all those decisions that were made about state budget priorities, about wages, about the presence of police, and even about damn grocery stores and access to quality food?

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Monte Cullors, Cherice
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis: