When They Call You a Terrorist


Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele

Paul Character Analysis

Paul is Patrisse’s oldest brother. After Alton left their family when Patrisse was six years old, Paul stepped in as the man of the house. When a friend asked Patrisse why Paul didn’t end up in prison, she said it’s because he was never allowed to be a kid. Still, the police roughed him up and searched him one day when he was 13 years old and simply hanging out in an alley with Monte and their friends. Paul was overwhelmed when Monte faced life in prison, so he didn’t help Patrisse and Cherice raise the money to cover the legal funds. Still, he supported Monte after he was released six years later.

Paul Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Paul or refer to Paul. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Whatever goes through their minds after being half stripped in public and having their childhoods flung to the ground and ground into the concrete, we will never speak of this incident or the ones that will follow as Van Nuys becomes ground zero in the war on drugs and the war on gangs, designations that add even more license to police already empowered to do whatever they want to us.

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Monte Cullors, Paul
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:
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Paul Quotes in When They Call You a Terrorist

The When They Call You a Terrorist quotes below are all either spoken by Paul or refer to Paul. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

Whatever goes through their minds after being half stripped in public and having their childhoods flung to the ground and ground into the concrete, we will never speak of this incident or the ones that will follow as Van Nuys becomes ground zero in the war on drugs and the war on gangs, designations that add even more license to police already empowered to do whatever they want to us.

Related Characters: Patrisse Khan-Cullors (speaker), Monte Cullors, Paul
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis: