When They Call You a Terrorist


Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele

Shine Character Analysis

Shine, Patrisse and JT’s son, was born in March 2016. Patrisse and JT split up before Shine was born, so Patrisse and Future cared for him together during the first few months of his life. Patrisse loves Shine deeply, and being his mother inspires her to keep pushing for a world where Black lives matter.
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Shine Character Timeline in When They Call You a Terrorist

The timeline below shows where the character Shine appears in When They Call You a Terrorist. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 15: Black Futures
Prisons and Policing Theme Icon
Intersectionality of Identity Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Healing Theme Icon
...is breech. After 36 hours of labor, she rushes to the hospital, where her baby, Shine, is born. After, she is in immense pain because the doctors refuse to give her... (full context)
Chapter 16: When They Call You a Terrorist
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Prisons and Policing Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Healing Theme Icon
...64. Patrisse doesn’t know how they will survive a Trump presidency—and how will she protect Shine? She and Future head home. It’s hard for Patrisse to move on from the grief... (full context)
Black Lives Matter Theme Icon
Prisons and Policing Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Healing Theme Icon
...also has fun—roller-skating, hosting park days, and more. She spends time with Future and with Shine, a child who teaches her that so much is possible. If Shine—or any Black child—is... (full context)