When Will There Be Good News?

When Will There Be Good News?


Kate Atkinson

When Will There Be Good News?: Adam Lay Ybounden Summary & Analysis

Jackson feels he’s somewhere in between life and death. He feels as if he’s being consumed by purifying flames, and his brain is filled with static. People come to visit him—his parents, his brother, and random figures like old teachers and neighbors. It exhausts him. He only wants to see Niamh, but she doesn’t return. He finally has enough and wants to get out of the “madhouse.” He opens his eyes and is greeted by a nurse. He tells her he feels “fuzzy.”
In his injured, near-death, state, Jackson is overwhelmed by vivid thoughts and memories of loved ones. The chapter title, “Adam Lay Ybounden,” refers to a late medieval poem about the fall of man and its accompanying curse of death. Jackson finally has enough of the mental confusion and returns to consciousness.