Winter’s Bone


Daniel Woodrell

Blond Milton Character Analysis

A member of Ree’s extended family, he brings her to a long-ago-exploded meth lab in an attempt to deceive her into believing her father died there. Later, he offers to take in one of Ree’s younger brothers in order to lessen the burden upon her, an offer she vehemently refuses due to his involvement with the drug trade.

Blond Milton Quotes in Winter’s Bone

The Winter’s Bone quotes below are all either spoken by Blond Milton or refer to Blond Milton. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“You son of a bitch. You go straight to hell’n fry in your own lard. Sonny’n Harold’ll die livin’ in a fuckin’ cave with me’n Mom before they’ll ever spend a single fuckin’ night with you. Goddam you, Blond Milton, you must think I’m a stupid idiot or somethin’—there’s horseweed standin’ chin-high inside that place!”

Related Characters: Ree Dolly (speaker), Sonny Dolly, Harold Dolly, Connie Dolly, Blond Milton
Page Number: 77
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Blond Milton Quotes in Winter’s Bone

The Winter’s Bone quotes below are all either spoken by Blond Milton or refer to Blond Milton. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“You son of a bitch. You go straight to hell’n fry in your own lard. Sonny’n Harold’ll die livin’ in a fuckin’ cave with me’n Mom before they’ll ever spend a single fuckin’ night with you. Goddam you, Blond Milton, you must think I’m a stupid idiot or somethin’—there’s horseweed standin’ chin-high inside that place!”

Related Characters: Ree Dolly (speaker), Sonny Dolly, Harold Dolly, Connie Dolly, Blond Milton
Page Number: 77
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