Winter’s Bone


Daniel Woodrell

Gail Lockrum Character Analysis

Ree’s best friend from high school, forced to drop out after becoming pregnant. Gail is Ree’s ally and confidante, and helps her with both her hunt for her father and with the care of her younger brothers. Gail’s constant struggles against her cheating husband, Floyd, bring her closer to Ree—she lives with her for a time, though Gail eventually returns to her husband’s home when Ree’s troubles with the neighboring Ozark clans escalate, and she fears for the safety of her son.
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Gail Lockrum Character Timeline in Winter’s Bone

The timeline below shows where the character Gail Lockrum appears in Winter’s Bone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
Before reaching home, Ree stops off at the Langans’ home; her best friend, Gail Lockrum, was “required by pregnancy” to marry Floyd Langan. Now the two live together in... (full context)
Ree and Gail go into Gail’s bedroom, where Ree fills her in on all that’s been happening with... (full context)
Chapter 15
...approaching, and Ree readies a shotgun. Once the figure draws closer, Ree realizes it is Gail and her baby. Ree laughs and embraces Gail, telling her she “knew she wouldn’t eat... (full context)
Chapter 16
Gail tells Ree that her husband has been cheating on her; he has been visiting his... (full context)
Gail and Ree, with baby Ned in tow, begin their drive to Reid’s Gap. Gail tells... (full context)
As Gail drives, Ree reminisces about how she and Gail used to practice kissing with each other... (full context)
Chapter 17
On the drive back to Rathlin Valley, Ree and Gail are held up at the Twin Forks River by a farmer and his wife—a rockslide... (full context)
Ree runs back to the truck, where Gail is changing Ned. Ree tells Gail that she saw her father’s car, and that they... (full context)
Chapter 18
...sound of the knock at the front door. Ree goes to answer it, and finds Gail on the porch. Gail’s husband, angry with her for staying out so late at night,... (full context)
Chapter 19
Back at home, Gail emerges from the house, a cup of coffee in her hands. She watches while Ree... (full context)
Chapter 22
After dark, Floyd arrives at the house with Ned. Gail nurses Ned while Floyd pleads with her to come home. Gail tells him that things... (full context)
Chapter 23, Ree pushes a broken shopping cart through the aisles—Ned sits in the basket, and Gail helps with the shopping. While Ree picks out groceries, she wonders aloud to Gail what... (full context)
...says, “unless you can prove he’s dead.” Mike leaves, and Ree turns around to see Gail standing in the open doorway. “Don’t you dare go back there,” Gail tells Ree. They... (full context)
Chapter 27
Back at home, Gail helps Ree to clean herself. Ree is in tremendous pain, and she soaks in the... (full context)
Chapter 28
...women, remarking that “there’s never no call to do a girl like that.” Sonya gives Gail some pain pills for her to feed to Ree, instructing her to start with two... (full context)
Chapter 29
...assailants, but Ree tells them to let her sleep. In the midst of terrible dreams, Gail offers Ree some more pills. When Ree gets up to go to the bathroom, she... (full context)
Chapter 30
...a frightful vision of herself turning into her mother, lost to the world and “crazy.” Gail, after washing up the breakfast dishes, tells Ree that there is somewhere she wants to... (full context)
On the way out to the truck, Ree and Gail see some Dolly women off in the distance talking hushedly with some Hawkfall women. Gail... (full context)
While driving, Gail asks Ree what her plans are. Ree tells Gail that she will send Sonny to... (full context)
Gail and Ree arrive at Bucket Spring—a freezing lake that Gail hopes will help to soothe... (full context)