With the Fire on High

With the Fire on High


Elizabeth Acevedo

With the Fire on High: 75. Chivalry Summary & Analysis

Emoni and Babygirl are outside with Angelica and Laura after the show; Malachi is inside still with Auntie Jordyn. It’s already dark and freezing cold, and Emoni tells Angelica and Laura that they can get going. She loves seeing how happy Angelica is around Laura. A moment later, Malachi comes outside and says that Auntie Jordyn ordered them a ride-share. Emoni says she doesn’t have a car seat for Babygirl, but Malachi says he requested a car with one. When the car arrives, he folds the stroller and then walks Emoni inside once they get out. Babygirl is asleep and though it’s too early, Emoni puts her in her crib.
Ordering a ride-share with an appropriate car seat shows Emoni how attuned Malachi is to her needs. She seems to initially expect that he wouldn’t have thought of such a thing, but his thoughtfulness helps Emoni see that Malachi is willing to accommodate and support the different things Emoni needs as a parent to a toddler.
Malachi is in the bathroom when Emoni gets downstairs, and he comes up behind her while she’s rinsing a glass in the sink. He slips an arm around her waist, startling her and causing her to drop the glass. They clean up the mess and Emoni comments that Malachi is great with kids. Malachi notices Emoni’s hand is bleeding, so he cleans and dresses the small wound—and kisses her knuckles. Emoni knows he dreams of becoming a doctor and practicing in his Newark neighborhood. He’ll be so good at it, and he’s working towards exactly what he wants. Emoni, though, has no idea what she wants—she hasn’t applied to any colleges yet. 
Tension rises between Emoni and Malachi—they’re both clearly interested in a relationship with the other, but Emoni in particular is nervous and feels unprepared for such a thing. Part of the problem is that seeing Malachi so sure of what he wants makes Emoni feel even more lost, since she hasn’t yet applied to college or even decided if she’s going in the first place. For now, Babygirl remains Emoni’s whole world, and she’s not yet sure if she wants to let Malachi (or college) into her bubble.
Emoni asks what she and Malachi are doing. Malachi says that they’re taking it slow, since that’s what it seemed like Emoni wants. Deciding to be honest, Emoni says that she’s not sure of anything in her life except for Babygirl—but she thinks she likes him, and she’d like to keep doing this. Malachi squeezes her hand and Emoni continues. She says she doesn’t want to disappoint him, but she’s not sure when, or if, she’ll be ready for more. Confused, Malachi asks if she’s talking about sex, and Emoni says she’s not ready. To her surprise, Malachi just says, “Okay.” He says they’ll keep talking, puts his forehead to hers, and says he’s going to walk to the train. As he leaves, he promises that he’s not going anywhere.
Emoni seems to fear that if she’s unwilling to have sex with Malachi, he’ll no longer be interested in spending time with her. Thus, it’s nerve-wracking for her to admit that she’s not ready for sex—she fears she could be essentially telling him to get lost. Malachi continues to surprise her, though, and show her that not all guys are like Tyrone. Indeed, he’s willing to connect with Emoni on her own terms, slowly and respectfully. He also seems fully respectful of the fact that Emoni’s first priority is Babygirl.
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