With the Fire on High

With the Fire on High


Elizabeth Acevedo

Pretty Leslie is one of Emoni’s classmates. She’s one of only three kids from Emoni’s neighborhood to get into Schomburg Charter, but she and Emoni aren’t friends—in fact, Pretty Leslie is cold and mean to Emoni for much of the novel. This has to do, in part, with the fact that Pretty Leslie has a crush on Malachi and is jealous that he’s interested in Emoni, not her. But Pretty Leslie later reveals that she was put off by how proud and superior Emoni acted when she got pregnant, as though she was better than everyone else. She also resents the way Emoni seems to sweet-talk the teachers. For much of the novel, though, Emoni doesn’t know this and simply tries to avoid Pretty Leslie’s wrath whenever possible. She’s not entirely convinced that Malachi is right that Pretty Leslie has had a difficult past and just lashes out in inappropriate ways. Ultimately, though, Pretty Leslie confirms Malachi’s assessment. She’ll be the first person in her family to graduate high school and attend college. After she drunkenly is cruel to Emoni in Spain, the girls speak honestly with each other and form, if not a friendship, then an understanding and a truce.

Pretty Leslie Quotes in With the Fire on High

The With the Fire on High quotes below are all either spoken by Pretty Leslie or refer to Pretty Leslie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
33. Santi Quotes

But Malachi isn’t listening to Leslie. His eyes are on me. If there was one thing I learned once my belly started showing it’s that you can’t control how people look at you, but you can control how far back you pull your shoulders and how high you lift your chin. Boys think of only two things when they find out you had a baby: thing (1) that you’re too much baby-mama drama, or thing (2) that you’re easy.

Related Characters: Emoni Santiago (speaker), Babygirl/Emma, Malachi Johnson, Tyrone, Pretty Leslie
Page Number: 106
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Pretty Leslie Quotes in With the Fire on High

The With the Fire on High quotes below are all either spoken by Pretty Leslie or refer to Pretty Leslie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
33. Santi Quotes

But Malachi isn’t listening to Leslie. His eyes are on me. If there was one thing I learned once my belly started showing it’s that you can’t control how people look at you, but you can control how far back you pull your shoulders and how high you lift your chin. Boys think of only two things when they find out you had a baby: thing (1) that you’re too much baby-mama drama, or thing (2) that you’re easy.

Related Characters: Emoni Santiago (speaker), Babygirl/Emma, Malachi Johnson, Tyrone, Pretty Leslie
Page Number: 106
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