World War Z


Max Brooks

Ajay Shah Character Analysis

Shah describes his attempt to escape the infestation in India by trying to get on a ship and head out to sea. At the shipyard, he witnessed the best and worst of humanity. Panicked and desperate people thronged the beach, and some boat owners asked them for large sums of money or sexual favors to row them to the few ships that were docked out at sea. Some other boat owners put their own lives at risk to return repeatedly to help these stranded people. Shah realized that the seas weren’t safe either, as some people who tried to swim out to the ships were dragged down and bitten by zombies that were underwater.
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Ajay Shah Character Timeline in World War Z

The timeline below shows where the character Ajay Shah appears in World War Z. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: The Great Panic
Alang, India. The narrator stands on the beach with Ajay Shah, surrounded by rusty ships that are like “silent memorials to the carnage this beach once... (full context)
Shah spotted a few new arrivals anchored offshore that looked like they had skeleton crews, and... (full context)
Shah admits that there were many “good and decent people,” too, who could have easily escaped... (full context)