World War Z


Max Brooks

Darnell Hackworth Character Analysis

Runs a canine retirement center for dogs that fought in the war against the zombies. He tells the narrator how the dogs played a big part in the war by being able to sniff out and distract zombies. Hackworth is very attached to the dogs, as are most soldiers who had canine partners, which shows the human capacity for kindness and love even in difficult and dangerous times.
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Darnell Hackworth Character Timeline in World War Z

The timeline below shows where the character Darnell Hackworth appears in World War Z. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: Total War
Ainsworth, Nebraska, USA. Darnell Hackworth and his wife run a canine retirement center for veterans of the army’s K-9 Corps.... (full context)
Hackworth says that many dogs died in duty, and a large number of their handlers ended... (full context)