World War Z


Max Brooks

A Skywatcher who talks to Christina Eliopolis on her radio and helps her escape zombie-infested territory. The narrator discovers that air force psychiatrists believe that Mets is a figment of Eliopolis’ imagination, even though Eliopolis insists she is real. If the psychiatrists are to be believed, then Mets symbolizes how fear and stress can unhinge an otherwise capable person.
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Mets Character Timeline in World War Z

The timeline below shows where the character Mets appears in World War Z. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Home Front USA
...and the voice on the radio said she was a skywatcher and her handle was “Mets.” The Skywatch system consisted of ham operators who reported on downed aircraft and tried to... (full context)
Eliopolis felt lost, but with Mets’ help, she began to figure out where she was and how she could make her... (full context)
...came back to her. Then she came across an SUV half-submerged in the swamp, and Mets warned her to stay away from it. Still, Eliopolis decided to inspect it and found... (full context)
...shot 61 of them in 10 minutes, though it felt like 10 hours to her. Mets asked her to make a plan to spend the night somewhere safe since it was... (full context)
...could make it. However, when she jumped, she broke her ankle on a submerged rock. Mets screamed for her to get up and run, and Eliopolis started limping away. (full context)
...ramp, the undead inside the cars on the roads started moaning and reaching for her. Mets kept screaming at her to keep going, and Eliopolis says that she might have lost... (full context)
Eliopolis tells the narrator that Mets wasn’t just a civilian—she must have been a pilot, too. She says that perhaps she... (full context)