World War Z


Max Brooks

Televaldi smuggled people out of China during the outbreak. He says that many Chinese citizens were desperate to leave because the virus was rapidly spreading inside the nation, and they were also terrified at the cruel and secretive way in which their government was dealing with the infected. Some of these people were already infected, and they carried the virus to different parts of the world. Televaldi’s interview shows how crime and corruption led to the worldwide zombie crisis. It also demonstrates that the Chinese government’s repressive measures backfired and suggests that frightening people will surely lead to disorder.
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Nury Televaldi Character Timeline in World War Z

The timeline below shows where the character Nury Televaldi appears in World War Z. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Warnings
...recent elections, in which the Social Democrats overthrew the Llamist Party. The narrator meets Nury Televaldi here, and says that they have to shout to be heard over the revelers. (full context)
Televaldi says that before the outbreak, overland smuggling was neither popular nor profitable, so he’d been... (full context) when they got there because they worried they might be sent back to China. Televaldi says these refugees were desperate, “trapped between their infections and being rounded up and ‘treated’... (full context)
Televaldi smuggled most of his clients into central Asia, into countries so poor and where the... (full context)
Televaldi considers himself lucky because he wasn’t involved in sea smuggling, which was much more dangerous... (full context)