World War Z


Max Brooks

Knox was commander of the International Space Station during the zombie war. He and his crew decided to stay in space to man the satellites that might help the war effort, despite knowing that they’d be stuck there with no way of getting back to earth. Knox was also deeply appreciative of the time, money, and effort that nations around the world had spent to build the Space Station, and knew it was unlikely or impossible that this could ever happen again. So, he thought it was worth saving even though that might mean sacrificing his own life to do so. Knox describes how the war looked from space—the fires, the nuclear bombs, huge hordes of zombies moving together across Central Asia, the cloud of ashes that covered the earth and made it look like an alien planet. Knox and his crew were finally rescued after the war ended, but by then, they had all been exposed to fatal amount of radiation and were too sick to survive. Knox, too, dies a few days after his interview. The narrator admires his brave and generous sacrifice.

Terry Knox Quotes in World War Z

The World War Z quotes below are all either spoken by Terry Knox or refer to Terry Knox. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: Around the World, and Above Quotes

Every day, every night, it seemed like the whole planet was burning. We couldn’t even begin to calculate the ash count but we guesstimated it was equivalent to a low-grade nuclear exchange between the United States and former Soviet Union, and that’s not including the actual nuclear exchange between Iran and Pakistan. We watched and recorded those as well, the flashes and fires that gave me eye spots for days. Nuclear autumn was already beginning to set in, the gray-brown shroud thickening each day.

It was like looking down on an alien planet, or on Earth during the last great mass extinction. Eventually conventional optics became useless in the shroud, leaving us with only thermal or radar sensors.

Related Characters: Terry Knox (speaker)
Related Symbols: Zombies
Page Number: 260
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Terry Knox Quotes in World War Z

The World War Z quotes below are all either spoken by Terry Knox or refer to Terry Knox. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: Around the World, and Above Quotes

Every day, every night, it seemed like the whole planet was burning. We couldn’t even begin to calculate the ash count but we guesstimated it was equivalent to a low-grade nuclear exchange between the United States and former Soviet Union, and that’s not including the actual nuclear exchange between Iran and Pakistan. We watched and recorded those as well, the flashes and fires that gave me eye spots for days. Nuclear autumn was already beginning to set in, the gray-brown shroud thickening each day.

It was like looking down on an alien planet, or on Earth during the last great mass extinction. Eventually conventional optics became useless in the shroud, leaving us with only thermal or radar sensors.

Related Characters: Terry Knox (speaker)
Related Symbols: Zombies
Page Number: 260
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