Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights


Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights: Chapter 15 Quiz 4 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 15. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does Catherine express to Heathcliff when he secretly visits her at Thrushcross Grange?
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She expresses her anger and blames him for her illness
She tells him she doesn't want to die while he's still alive
She tells him that she is can't wait to finally enter heaven
She confesses to loving him but wishes they never met
What does Heathcliff mean when he says, "I love my murderer—but yours? How can I?"
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He forgives Catherine for causing him pain but can't forgive her for harming herself
He thinks Edgar drove her to death and therefore wants to murder him as revenge
He's expressing anger toward God and implying that he wants to take divine revenge
He's insisting that he would rather die himself than be blamed for Catherine's death
What happens when Edgar arrives home and finds Heathcliff in the room with Catherine?
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Heathcliff attacks Edgar and then leaves the room
Heathcliff leaves immediately without saying a word
Heathcliff tells Edgar to focus on caring for Catherine
Heathcliff and Edgar argue and ignore Catherine's condition
What does Heathcliff decide to do after being ushered out of the room by Nelly?
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He decides to leave Thrushcross Grange and never come back
He decides to wait until he can break into the room to see Catherine
He decides to confront Edgar about his treatment of Catherine
He decides to hide in the garden to monitor Catherine's health