Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights


Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights: Chapter 31 Quiz 4 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 31. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does the incident with the letter suggest about Hareton's feelings towards Cathy?
1 of 4
He doesn't care if she's miserable
He has malicious intentions towards her
He doesn't actually want to hurt her
He wants to keep her away from Nelly
What does Hareton do with Cathy's remaining books?
2 of 4
He uses them to mock her
He hides them in the attic
He gives them to Heathcliff
He throws them in the fire
How does Hareton make Heathcliff feel?
3 of 4
Disgusted by his brutish ignorance
Haunted by his resemblance to Catherine
Disconcerted by his similarity to Hindley
Vindicated in his quest for revenge
How does the novel present Lockwood after he leaves Wuthering Heights?
4 of 4
As kindhearted but aloof
As indifferent and selfish
As scornful and jealous
As delusional and conceited