Shut Out Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

Shut Out Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

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The speaker of Christina Rossetti's "Shut Out" is a mourner in exile. Once, they say, they had a beautiful secret garden. But one day, without warning, they arrived at that garden to find its gate barred and guarded by a remorseless spirit—a silent figure who refused to let the speaker pluck even a single twig as a souvenir of the place they loved. This mysterious poem's picture of exile might be read as an image of many kinds of suffering, from a serious depression to a creative block to a heartbreak. However one reads it, it's a harrowing picture of what it feels like when grief drains the world of meaning. "Shut Out" first appeared in Rossetti's important 1862 collection Goblin Market and Other Poems.

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