1The houses are haunted
2By white night-gowns.
3None are green,
4Or purple with green rings,
5Or green with yellow rings,
6Or yellow with blue rings.
7None of them are strange,
8With socks of lace
9And beaded ceintures.
10People are not going
11To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
12Only, here and there, an old sailor,
13Drunk and asleep in his boots,
14Catches tigers
15In red weather.
1The houses are haunted
2By white night-gowns.
3None are green,
4Or purple with green rings,
5Or green with yellow rings,
6Or yellow with blue rings.
7None of them are strange,
8With socks of lace
9And beaded ceintures.
10People are not going
11To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
12Only, here and there, an old sailor,
13Drunk and asleep in his boots,
14Catches tigers
15In red weather.
The houses are haunted
By white night-gowns.
None are green,
Or purple with green rings,
Or green with yellow rings,
Or yellow with blue rings.
None of them are strange,
With socks of lace
And beaded ceintures.
People are not going
To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
Only, here and there, an old sailor,
Drunk and asleep in his boots,
Catches tigers
In red weather.
Select any word below to get its definition in the context of the poem. The words are listed in the order in which they appear in the poem.
The Poem Out Loud — Listen to a reading of "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock."
Stevens's Life and Work — A short biography of Wallace Stevens.
What is Modernism? — A brief explanation of Modernist poetry.
Harmonium — An electronic edition of Stevens's 1923 book Harmonium, in which "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock" was published.
Wallace Stevens as an American Poet — A lecture on Stevens by prominent poetry critic Helen Vendler.