


Samuel Richardson

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Miss Goodwin Character Analysis

Miss Goodwin is Mr. B’s daughter with Sally Godfrey who currently attends boarding school. Before boarding school, Lady Davers raised her, changing her last name from “Godfrey” to “Goodwin” to avoid scandal (since Mr. B and Sally weren’t married when Miss Goodwin was born). Pamela takes an immediate liking to Miss Goodwin and wants to adopt her. While it’s unclear if Pamela ever carries out the adoption, Pamela’s acceptance of Miss Goodwin provides further evidence of her generous spirit.

Miss Goodwin Quotes in Pamela

The Pamela quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Goodwin or refer to Miss Goodwin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Value of Virtue Theme Icon
The Journal (continued) Quotes

’Tis even so, my Dear, replied he; and you remember my Sister’s good-natur’d Hint of Miss Sally Godfrey? I do well, sir, answered I. But this is Miss Goodwin. Her Mother chose that name for her, said he, because she should not be called by her own.

Related Characters: Pamela (speaker), Mr. B (speaker), Lady Davers, Sally Godfrey, Miss Goodwin
Page Number: 478
Explanation and Analysis:
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Miss Goodwin Quotes in Pamela

The Pamela quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Goodwin or refer to Miss Goodwin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Value of Virtue Theme Icon
The Journal (continued) Quotes

’Tis even so, my Dear, replied he; and you remember my Sister’s good-natur’d Hint of Miss Sally Godfrey? I do well, sir, answered I. But this is Miss Goodwin. Her Mother chose that name for her, said he, because she should not be called by her own.

Related Characters: Pamela (speaker), Mr. B (speaker), Lady Davers, Sally Godfrey, Miss Goodwin
Page Number: 478
Explanation and Analysis: