The Diary of Anne Frank


Anne Frank

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A dentist in his late fifties who joins the Franks and the van Daans in the Secret Annex. Anne is often at odds with Mr. Dussel, in no small part because she shares a room with him. Anne views Mr. Dussel as petty, self-centered, and a bit slow. Mr. Dussel spends much of his time writing letters to his Christian girlfriend, Charlotte.
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Alfred Dussel Character Timeline in The Diary of Anne Frank

The timeline below shows where the character Alfred Dussel appears in The Diary of Anne Frank. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Year 1942
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
...It has been decided that another person will be allowed to hide in the Annex: Alfred Dussel, a middle-aged dentist. Anne is very excited at the prospect of his arrival, and it's... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
November 17th. Mr. Kleiman and Miep secret Mr. Dussel away in the Annex. The Annex dwellers greet him with coffee and cognac. Mr. Dussel... (full context)
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
November 19th. Although she isn't thrilled to share her space and belongings with Mr. Dussel , Anne is willing to make this sacrifice "for a good cause." Mr. Dussel reports... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
November 20th. Mr. Dussel 's stories of the outside world horrify and transfix the Franks and the van Daans.... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
November 28th. The honeymoon period with Mr. Dussel has ended, and he's taken to lecturing and scolding Anne. Overwhelmed by the collective nitpicking... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...dwellers still manage to exchange presents: Anne receives a Kewpie doll, and Mr. van Daan, Mr. Dussel , and Mr. Frank all receive handmade gifts from Mr. Voskuijl (Bep's father and the... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...approaches, and everyone in the Annex has received an extra ration of butter. Anne and Mr. Dussel are at odds – he's taken to shushing her day and night, and his morning... (full context)
Year 1943
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...a rumor that Turkey has entered the war is proven false. Meanwhile, it's discovered that Mr. Dussel has been disobeying the Annex rules – he's carrying on correspondence with a number of... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
May 1st. Mr. Dussel celebrates his birthday – he receives a package of foodstuffs from Charlotte. It's discovered that... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
July 13th. Employing her newfound tact, Anne politely asks Mr. Dussel if she can use the table in their bedroom for a few hours each day.... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...Mr. Van Daan long for a hot bath; Mrs. van Daan would like a cake; Mr. Dussel wants to see Charlotte; Mrs. Frank wants a cup of coffee; Anne wants to go... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
July 29th. Anne is infuriated when Mr. Dussel and Mrs. van Daan tease and criticize her opinions of a book. They claim her... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...use of the table in her room until 4:00 – if she's a minute late, Mr. Dussel is often waiting impatiently with a clock in his hand. (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...calls this sort of thing? The art of living," she writes. Anne is upset that Mr. Dussel asked Miep for an anti-Mussolini book from the library – she almost had a run-in... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...encourages the Annex dwellers to take lessons. Tensions have lessoned, for the most part – Mr. Dussel and the van Daans are still at odds, however, over a number of petty things. (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
November 17th. Mr. Dussel , who has now been living in the Annex for a year, is mysteriously unhappy.... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
Anne has come down with the flu. Tensions in the Annex have eased. For Hanukkah, Mr. Dussel gives Mrs. Frank and Mrs. van Daan a cake. Anne has saved up all of... (full context)
Year 1944
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...some extra sugar for her birthday, which has sparked jealousy in Mrs. van Daan. Meanwhile, Mr. Dussel often helps himself to more than his fair share of gravy at supper. "Are most... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Love and Sexuality Theme Icon
...Anne reveals that her longing is at least partially resolved. Following a small argument with Mr. Dussel , Peter takes Anne aside and confides in her that in the past he used... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
...finds solace in knowing that others are suffering far worse, Mr. Frank remains optimistic, and Mr. Dussel simply looks out for himself. (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
April 25th. Mr. Dussel is in a huff due to the new security measures in the Annex, which now... (full context)
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
June 5th. The adults in the Annex are quarreling again. Mr. Dussel disagrees with the Franks over the division of butter, and the van Daans are quibbling... (full context)
Inner Self, Outer Self, and Isolation Theme Icon
Love and Sexuality Theme Icon
Human Nature: Generosity and Greed Theme Icon
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon terrified that she'll be killed, jealous that Peter confides in Anne, and upset that Mr. Dussel doesn't return her flirtations in kind. (full context)
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
On August 4th, 1944, the Franks, the van Daans, Mr. Dussel , Mr. Kleiman, and Mr. Kugler are arrested by an SS sergeant and members of... (full context)
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
The Franks, the van Daans, and Mr. Dussel are imprisoned in Amsterdam, and are soon after transferred to Westerbork and then Auschwitz. Mr.... (full context)
World War II: Fear, Suffering, and Hope Theme Icon
Mr. Dussel dies in the Neuengamme camp in December 1944. (full context)