A Gentleman in Moscow

A Gentleman in Moscow


Amor Towles

a handyman in the Metropol who also keeps bees on the roof. When the Count happens upon the rooftop one night, Abram offers him honey, and he and the Count speak about how they are from the same province, which is known particularly for its apple orchards. When the Count goes up to the roof to commit suicide, Abram interrupts him and offers him honey that has a distinct taste of apples, which changes the Count’s mind about committing suicide.
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Abram Character Timeline in A Gentleman in Moscow

The timeline below shows where the character Abram appears in A Gentleman in Moscow. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, 1923, An Actress, an Apparition, an Apiary
One of the hotel handymen, Abram, greets the Count, startling him. Abram makes him coffee and shows him his apiary. The... (full context)
Book 2, 1926, Adieu
...her father to an apartment for Party officials. Mishka had followed Katerina back to Kiev. Abram, the handyman with whom the Count still occasionally shares a cup of coffee on the... (full context)
...parapet and says goodbye to his country. But just as he is about to jump, Abram interrupts him. He excitedly tells the Count that the bees have returned, and hands him... (full context)
At nearly two in the morning, the Count says goodnight to Abram and returns to his bedroom. He takes the gold coin from his pocket and replaces... (full context)