A Gentleman in Moscow

A Gentleman in Moscow


Amor Towles

Nina’s daughter, whom she brings to the Metropol when her husband is arrested and sent to Siberia. The Count agrees to watch Sofia, who is five years old at the time, for a few months. Nina never returns to the Metropol, however, and the Count becomes her de facto father. As a child, Sofia is precocious like her mother, but less assertive. She grows into a demure thirteen-year-old, but she also has a mischievous streak, playing games with the Count and even a few pranks. By the end of the novel, she has become a graceful young woman and a talented pianist. The Count sees her potential and does not want her to be restricted by Russian society. When she goes on tour to Paris with a Moscow conservatory, the Count sees an opportunity for her to escape. With the help of Richard Vanderwhile, the Count arranges for her to run away and seek asylum in America. Overall, the Count’s relationship with Sofia and his role as an adoptive parent gives him a sense of purpose, as he explains that he feels he was fulfilling life’s plan when he agreed to watch Sofia.

Sofia Quotes in A Gentleman in Moscow

The A Gentleman in Moscow quotes below are all either spoken by Sofia or refer to Sofia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 3, Antics, Antitheses, an Accident Quotes

In the end, a parent's responsibility could not be more simple: To bring a child safely into adulthood so that she could have a chance to experience a life of purpose and, God willing, contentment.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Nina Kulikova, Sofia
Page Number: 309
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Book 5, Anecdotes Quotes

Looking back, it seems to me that there are people who play an essential role at every turn […] as if Life itself has summoned them once again to help fulfill its purpose. Well, since the day I was born, Sofia, there was only one time when Life needed me to be in a particular place at a particular time, and that was when your mother brought you to the lobby of the Metropol.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov (speaker), Nina Kulikova, Sofia
Page Number: 420-421
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Book 5, Apotheosis Quotes

It was, without question, the smallest room that he had occupied in his life; yet somehow, within those four walls the world had come and gone.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Sofia
Page Number: 439
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At that moment, it somehow seemed to the Count that no one was out of place; that every little thing happening was part of some master plan; and that within the context of that plan, he was meant to sit in the chair between the potted palms and wait.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Sofia, The Bishop, Richard Vanderwhile
Page Number: 439
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Sofia Quotes in A Gentleman in Moscow

The A Gentleman in Moscow quotes below are all either spoken by Sofia or refer to Sofia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 3, Antics, Antitheses, an Accident Quotes

In the end, a parent's responsibility could not be more simple: To bring a child safely into adulthood so that she could have a chance to experience a life of purpose and, God willing, contentment.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Nina Kulikova, Sofia
Page Number: 309
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Book 5, Anecdotes Quotes

Looking back, it seems to me that there are people who play an essential role at every turn […] as if Life itself has summoned them once again to help fulfill its purpose. Well, since the day I was born, Sofia, there was only one time when Life needed me to be in a particular place at a particular time, and that was when your mother brought you to the lobby of the Metropol.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov (speaker), Nina Kulikova, Sofia
Page Number: 420-421
Explanation and Analysis:
Book 5, Apotheosis Quotes

It was, without question, the smallest room that he had occupied in his life; yet somehow, within those four walls the world had come and gone.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Sofia
Page Number: 439
Explanation and Analysis:

At that moment, it somehow seemed to the Count that no one was out of place; that every little thing happening was part of some master plan; and that within the context of that plan, he was meant to sit in the chair between the potted palms and wait.

Related Characters: The Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, Sofia, The Bishop, Richard Vanderwhile
Page Number: 439
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