Ged, whose childhood name is Duny and whose public name, or “use-name,” is Sparrowhawk, is the protagonist of A Wizard of Earthsea. Le Guin refers to Ged primarily by his true name—which, in the…
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The Shadow
The shadow Ged lets loose into the world during a duel with Jasper on Roke Knoll is the primary antagonist of the novel and its greatest mystery. The shadow is, at first, a child-sized, featureless…
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Ogion is the wise Gontish mage who takes on the young but promising Ged (then known as Duny) as a prentice. After giving Duny his true name of Ged in a ritual ceremony on Ged’s…
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Jasper is a pretentious, braggadocious, and moneyed student at the School for wizards on the Isle of Roke. When Ged first meets Jasper, he is envious of the boy’s devil-may-care attitude and fine possessions—yet the…
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Vetch / Estarriol
Vetch, whose true name is Estarriol, is Ged’s closest friend and most steadfast companion at the School on Roke and in the years beyond their education. The dark-skinned Vetch comes from the East Reach…
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Archmage Nemmerle is the archmage, or head, of the School on Roke that Ged attends. The ancient man—rumored to be the oldest living person in Earthsea—is almost always accompanied by his prophetic pet raven, a…
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Archmage Gensher
After Archmage Nemmerle dies saving Ged from the shadow, Archmage Gensher is elected by the nine Masters of Roke to replace him. Gensher is a wise, thoughtful man who is invested in Ged’s healing…
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The Master Hand
The Master Hand is one of the nine Masters of Roke. He teaches the arts of illusion, sleight of hand, and minor acts of Changing. The Master Hand, however, is careful to warn his students…
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The Master Namer
One of the nine Masters of Roke, the Master Namer resides in the Isolate Tower, far away from the School, where he instructs students in the grave and mostly silent art of understanding the true…
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The Master Summoner
The Master Summoner is a stern, aged man who teaches somber “true” magic: summoning energies, drawing powers from the universe, and controlling other earthly forces. The grave Master Summoner always imparts unto his students the…
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The Doormaster / The Master Doorkeeper
The Master Doorkeeper guards the door to the School for wizards on the Isle of Roke. When Ged first meets the doormaster at the School on Roke, he doesn’t realize that the man is one…
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Pechvarry is boatbuilder whom Ged meets while living on the isle of Low Torning and serving its people as their mage. Ged strikes up a friendship with the kindly, affable Pechvarry, but when Ged fails…
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Yevaud, the Dragon of Pendor
Yevaud is the true name of the fearsome Dragon of Pendor who sacked, burned, and overtook the Isle of Pendor from its native inhabitants many years ago. Since then, Yevaud has ruled over a brood…
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Skiorh is an Osskilian man Ged meets on a longship bound for the north. Skiorh, a rough-spoken and imposing man, gives Ged a bad feeling after Ged senses a strange blurring of Skiorh’s features during…
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Village Girl / Serret
The Lady of the Court of the Terrenon, Serret, was once a young girl who grew up in the village of Re Albi on the Isle of Gont. When Ged is young, he meets a…
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The Lord of the Court of the Terrenon, Benderesk is an elderly Osskillian nobleman who has languished in years of servitude to the mysterious, powerful Stone of Terrenon. Ged has little association with Benderesk during…
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The Elderly Man and The Elderly Woman
The Elderly Man and the Elderly Woman live together on a seemingly uninhabited sandbar in the middle of the ocean. For many years, it seems, they have been living alone with only one another’s company…
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Ged’s Aunt
Ged’s aunt is a witch from the isle of Gont. She mostly performs herbal cures and healings and simple spells meant to herd animals. However, when she recognizes potential in the young Ged (known…
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Vetch’s younger sister Yarrow is a girl of 14. Though she is young, she is brave, precocious, and whip-smart. She has faith in Ged and Vetch’s ability to conquer anything together, and she wholeheartedly…
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Minor Characters
The Master Herbal
One of the nine Masters of Roke, the Master Herbal instructs students at the School in the arts of herbal cures and healing. A patient and selfless man, the Master Herbal spends months nursing Ged back to health after Ged’s first encounter with the shadow on Roke Knoll.
The Master Patterner
The most mysterious of the nine Masters of Roke, the Master Patterner teaches his arcane and ineffable arts in the privacy of the Immanent Grove, away from the eyes of young prentices and pupils.
Ged’s Father
Ged’s father is a bronze-smith from the isle of Gont.
Murre is Vetch and Yarrow’s youngest brother.
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Tanner, Alexandra. "A Wizard of Earthsea Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 26 Jun 2020. Web. 7 Mar 2025.