All the Bright Places

All the Bright Places


Jennifer Niven

The Three Brianas Character Analysis

“The three Brianas” sit with Brenda, and eventually Violet, during lunch at school. They’re nice, smart, and driven girls, but Violet never gets to know them well enough to refer to them as anything but “the three Brianas.” All three of them do eventually agree to contribute to Violet’s magazine, Germ.
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The Three Brianas Character Timeline in All the Bright Places

The timeline below shows where the character The Three Brianas appears in All the Bright Places. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
30. Violet: February 2
...and Roamer’s table in the cafeteria. Violet turns and asks to join Brenda, the three Brianas, and a girl named Lara. As the other girls talk about boys and life after... (full context)
39. Violet: The Week After videos or pictures of their favorite sites. She emails Brenda, Finch, Jordan, the three Brianas, and Lara, inviting all of them to contribute. Though Violet drafts an email to Amanda... (full context)
51. Violet: April
...and that night, they go to the Quarry. Violet texts Brenda, Lara, and the three Brianas. A bit later, Jordan comes too. The following Friday, Violet goes to the movies with... (full context)
55. Violet: May—weeks 1, 2, and 3
...Violet—they seem to be afraid that she’s contagious. Violet sits with Brenda, Lara, and the Brianas at lunch, and a few days after Finch’s funeral, Amanda sits down at the table... (full context)