An Unquiet Mind


Kay Redfield Jamison

One of Kay’s major love interests, David Laurie was a psychiatrist for the Royal Army Medical Corps in England. Kay and David met during one of David’s visits to UCLA. Though she was attracted to him, Kay was still living with her first husband when she met David and she was therefore unable to pursue him romantically. After finalizing her divorce over a year later, Kay reconnected with David during his second visit to Los Angeles and the two began a passionate love affair which spanned two continents and lasted over a year. David showed Kay love, kindness, and acceptance—and, as their relationship was her first serious one following her suicide attempt, it helped to show her that she was worthy of all those things. David died suddenly of a massive heart attack in between two of his and Kay’s visits, leaving Kay devastated—but not broken.

David Laurie Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by David Laurie or refer to David Laurie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

No amount of love can cure madness or unblacken one’s dark moods. […] But if love is not the cure, it certainly can act as a very strong medicine.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s First Husband, David Laurie, The Englishman, Richard Wyatt
Page Number: 174-175
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David Laurie Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by David Laurie or refer to David Laurie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

No amount of love can cure madness or unblacken one’s dark moods. […] But if love is not the cure, it certainly can act as a very strong medicine.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s First Husband, David Laurie, The Englishman, Richard Wyatt
Page Number: 174-175
Explanation and Analysis:
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