An Unquiet Mind


Kay Redfield Jamison

Kay’s Psychiatrist Character Analysis

A good-looking, charming, intelligent man who served as the chief resident at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute during Kay’s time there. As Kay’s manias and depressions worsened in the mid-1970s, she reluctantly sought the help of a psychiatrist for the first time—and she began taking the lithium he prescribed her. In spite of Kay’s shame about her illness and her resistance to treatment, her psychiatrist remained a steadfast colleague and caretaker alike throughout her time at UCLA.

Kay’s Psychiatrist Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by Kay’s Psychiatrist or refer to Kay’s Psychiatrist. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I was not only very ill when I first called for an appointment, I was also terrified and deeply embarrassed. I had never been to a psychiatrist or a psychologist before. I had no choice. I had completely, but completely, lost my mind; if I didn’t get professional help, I was quite likely to lose my job, my already precarious marriage, and my life as well.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s Psychiatrist
Page Number: 84
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Kay’s Psychiatrist Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by Kay’s Psychiatrist or refer to Kay’s Psychiatrist. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I was not only very ill when I first called for an appointment, I was also terrified and deeply embarrassed. I had never been to a psychiatrist or a psychologist before. I had no choice. I had completely, but completely, lost my mind; if I didn’t get professional help, I was quite likely to lose my job, my already precarious marriage, and my life as well.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s Psychiatrist
Page Number: 84
Explanation and Analysis:
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