An Unquiet Mind


Kay Redfield Jamison

This male colleague of Kay’s frequently checked in on her while she was in the darkest days of her manic-depressive illness in the mid-1970s at UCLA. After Kay’s illness became too much to handle, her colleague helped her to pay bills, organize her medications, and keep her family updated about what was going on. A steadfast and supportive friend, Kay also describes a brief romance with this colleague.
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Kay’s Colleague Character Timeline in An Unquiet Mind

The timeline below shows where the character Kay’s Colleague appears in An Unquiet Mind. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Flights of the Mind
...apartment and spraying blood everywhere—the moment was so terrifying that she at last called a colleague and admitted that she needed help. (full context)
Kay’s colleague told her he believed she had manic-depressive illness and needed to be medicated. Kay was... (full context)
Chapter 5: The Charnel House
Kay describes a hazy memory in which an unnamed man—possibly her colleague or her first husband—visited her apartment at the height of her suicidality to find her... (full context)