Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Gigi’s mother had Gigi as a young teenager. Just before turning 21, Gigi’s mother decided to move to Brooklyn with her daughter so that she could celebrate her birthday in New York City. Obsessed with beauty, Gigi’s mother urges Gigi to pursue a career as an actress, insisting that Gigi is pretty enough to be famous—though she gives Gigi the idea that she’ll have to compensate for how dark her skin is. When 12-year-old Gigi is raped by a veteran living under the stairs in their apartment building, she doesn’t tell her mother because she knows that her mother would blame the assault on her.

Gigi’s Mother Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Gigi’s Mother or refer to Gigi’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

The only curse you carry, her mother said, is the dark skin I passed on to you. You gotta find a way past that skin. You gotta find your way to the outside of it. Stay in the shade. Don’t let it get no darker than it already is. Don’t drink no coffee either.

Related Characters: Gigi’s Mother (speaker), Gigi
Page Number: 56
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Gigi’s Mother Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Gigi’s Mother or refer to Gigi’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

The only curse you carry, her mother said, is the dark skin I passed on to you. You gotta find a way past that skin. You gotta find your way to the outside of it. Stay in the shade. Don’t let it get no darker than it already is. Don’t drink no coffee either.

Related Characters: Gigi’s Mother (speaker), Gigi
Page Number: 56
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