Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Edward Carter is an established Black doctor in Detroit who becomes one of Ossian Sweet’s mentors. A member of Detroit’s talented tenth, Carter is active in the local NAACP branch; after the trials, he joins Reinhold Neibuhr’s blue ribbon commission on race relations in the city. Carter and his family live in an all-white neighborhood and he encourages Ossian’s decision to buy the house on Garland Avenue, despite the violence against John Fletcher, Vollington Bristol, Fleta Mathies, and fellow doctor Alexander Turner earlier in 1925. Although he proposes helping Turner and promises Ossian that he will join the crew defending the house on the nights of September 8th and 9th, Carter consistently fails to follow through on his promises to put his own body on the line.

Edward Carter Quotes in Arc of Justice

The Arc of Justice quotes below are all either spoken by Edward Carter or refer to Edward Carter. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

He could demand a new status. Rather than driving his old Model T […] he bought a brand-new Buick touring car, an automobile to match the fine machines of his senior colleagues parked outside Dunbar Memorial. There wasn’t any question that, after his time away, he’d rebuild his practice in Black Bottom. But instead of moving back to Palace Drugs, he rented a space a few blocks north of the pharmacy. It was just a storefront, right next door to a funeral home, hardly a reassuring sight for sick folk making their way to his waiting room, but for the first time in his career, Ossian had an office of his own, an indulgence perhaps, but also a sure sign of upward mobility.

Related Characters: Ossian Sweet, Edward Carter
Page Number: 135-136
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Edward Carter Quotes in Arc of Justice

The Arc of Justice quotes below are all either spoken by Edward Carter or refer to Edward Carter. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

He could demand a new status. Rather than driving his old Model T […] he bought a brand-new Buick touring car, an automobile to match the fine machines of his senior colleagues parked outside Dunbar Memorial. There wasn’t any question that, after his time away, he’d rebuild his practice in Black Bottom. But instead of moving back to Palace Drugs, he rented a space a few blocks north of the pharmacy. It was just a storefront, right next door to a funeral home, hardly a reassuring sight for sick folk making their way to his waiting room, but for the first time in his career, Ossian had an office of his own, an indulgence perhaps, but also a sure sign of upward mobility.

Related Characters: Ossian Sweet, Edward Carter
Page Number: 135-136
Explanation and Analysis:
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