Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Inspector Robert McPherson Character Analysis

Inspector Robert McPherson is the head of the city’s Black Hand Squad, which is charged with policing Detroit’s Italian mob and the predominantly Black neighborhoods. A decorated officer, he nevertheless fails to inform Inspector Norton Schuknecht of the Sweets’ need for police protection until a day before their move onto Garland Avenue. He is among the police who guard the Sweets’ house on the nights of September 8 and 9, 1925, and he is personally responsible for seeing that the suspects in the shooting are transported safely through the crowd to the police station.
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Inspector Robert McPherson Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Inspector Robert McPherson appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Where Death Waits
...a handyman named Norris Murray, and Otis, Henry, and Latting. Soon a policeman named Inspector McPherson knocks on the door to introduce himself. He assures Ossian that he’ll be alright as... (full context)
Chapter 5: White Houses ask for protection, although he goes above Schuknecht’s head and speaks directly with Robert McPherson, head of the Black Hand Squad that polices the Italian mob and Black community. (full context)
Inspector Schuknecht finds out about the Sweets’ move-in date from Inspector McPherson less than 24 hours in advance. McPherson is a decorated police office, but Schuknecht finds... (full context)