Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Julian Perry is Ossian Sweet’s close friend; he was best man at Ossian’s wedding. Although he offers his help in defending the house on Garland Avenue, he never shows up. Perry is an alumnus of Howard University, where he studied law. Along with Cecil Rowlette and Charles Mahoney, Perry represents Ossian, Gladys Henry, and Otis Sweet, John Latting, Norris Murray, Joe Mack, Charles Washington, Hewitt Watson, William Davis, Charles Washington, and Leonard Morse during the first trial, and he joins the defense in Henry’s subsequent second trial.
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Julian Perry Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Julian Perry appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Where Death Waits
...calls on his brothers Otis Sweet and Henry Sweet, and his friends Edward Carter, Julian Perry, William Davis, and John Latting for help. (full context) men in the house: Otis, Henry, Davis, Latting, Mack, Murray, and himself. Neither Julian Perry nor Dr. Edward Carter came—and Carter even called to beg off, indicating his fear of... (full context)
Chapter 4: Uplift Me, Pride
...his practice. And he makes a few friends, including lawyer and fellow Howard alum Julian Perry and Dr. Edward Carter, a colleague and fellow Elk and Mason. Carter has the life... (full context)
Chapter 5: White Houses it. He gathers his compatriots: Gladys, Otis, Henry and his friend John Latting, Julian Perry, Dr. Carter, William Davis, Joe Mack and Norris Murray. Gladys stockpiles food and Ossian collects... (full context)
Chapter 6: The Letter of Your Law the anteroom of the Detective’s Bureau, Ossian and Hewitt Watson call their lawyers, Julian Perry and Charles Mahoney, respectively. Then, in whispers, the company agree on the story they’ll tell... (full context)
News of the shooting tears through Detroit’s Black elite. Perry asks Cecil Rowlette, the Black attorney who represented Fleta Mathies and Alexander Turner, to join... (full context)
...September 10th, the day following the shootings. A liberal judge denies the motion offered by Perry, Rowlette, and Mahoney to dismiss the charges, but this forces the Prosecutor’s hand. His office... (full context)
Three days after the shooting, on Saturday, Perry, Rowlette, and Mahoney finally get access to their clients. The NAACP will cover all costs... (full context)
Chapter 7: Freedmen, Sons of God, Americans
In the week following White’s visit to Detroit, Julian Perry tells the local NAACP branch that he wants to resign to make way for a... (full context)
...has ramifications for the “inalienable rights under the Constitution” of all Black citizens. White tasks Perry with visiting the white lawyers on the NAACP’s list, but each one declines to join... (full context)
Chapter 8: The Prodigal Son prepare. Clarence Darrow’s interviews with his clients give him insight into the night’s events; Perry, Rowlette, and Mahoney explain the context of the Mathies, Bristol, Fletcher, and Turner cases. Arthur... (full context)
Chapter 10: Judgement Day
...much of the winter sick with racking coughs, and the local defense team—Cecil Rowlette, Julian Perry, and Charles Mahoney—express frustration with Hays’s and Darrow’s defense. They think it would be safer... (full context)