Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Leonard Morse is Hewitt Watson’s friend and colleague. Along with Watson and Charles Washington, he joins Ossian, Henry, and Otis Sweet, John Latting, Joe Mack, Norris Murray, and William Davis in protecting the house on Garland Avenue. While awaiting trial, he joins with Davis, Washington, and Otis Sweet to demand that the NAACP take charge of the defense despite the objections of the local community. Because Davis’s testimony places him upstairs at the time of the shooting, the question of Morse’s guilt or innocence in the death of Leon Breiner contributes to the mistrial in the first State v. Sweet case.
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Leonard Morse Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Leonard Morse appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Where Death Waits
...a chance call with his insurance broker, Hewitt Watson. Watson and two of his friends, Leonard Morse and Charles Washington, agree to join the night’s watch over the house. (full context) organized, directed mob. Around six, the arrival of Mack with Murray, Washington, Watson, and Leonard Morse interrupts his ruminations. (full context)
Chapter 6: The Letter of Your Law
...himself” if necessary and that he had the weapons to do so. And he accuses Leonard Morse and Joe Mack of shooting. Hoping to have saved his own skin but stewing in... (full context)
Chapter 7: Freedmen, Sons of God, Americans
...because “[o]nly rabbits run.” Perhaps heartened by these words of approval, Otis joins Charles Washington, Leonard Morse , and William Davis in appealing to the NAACP to assume control of a case... (full context)
Chapter 9: Prejudice
...have split seven to five on the question of whether to convict Ossian, Henry, and Leonard Morse . Murphy orders them to resume deliberations the following morning as Gladys—the only defendant not... (full context)