Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Norris Murray Character Analysis

Norris Murray is a friend of Joe Mack’s and a handyman that Ossian and Gladys Sweet hire to help with their move into the house on Garland Avenue. He is charged with the murder of Leon Breiner after he joins the rest of the defenders—Ossian, Henry, and Otis Sweet, Joe Mack, Charles Washington, John Latting, Hewitt Watson, Leonard Morse, and William Davis, on the nights of September 8th and 9th.
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Norris Murray Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Norris Murray appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Where Death Waits midmorning on the 8th assisted by their chauffeur Joe Mack, a handyman named Norris Murray, and Otis, Henry, and Latting. Soon a policeman named Inspector McPherson knocks on the door... (full context)
Ossian distributes weapons among the seven men in the house: Otis, Henry, Davis, Latting, Mack, Murray, and himself. Neither Julian Perry nor Dr. Edward Carter came—and Carter even called to beg... (full context)
...front porch, admonishing them to avoid provoking the white neighbors. He sends Mack to ask Murray to join them again, and anxiously waits to see if any other defenders will arrive. (full context)
...protect the house from an organized, directed mob. Around six, the arrival of Mack with Murray, Washington, Watson, and Leonard Morse interrupts his ruminations. (full context)
Chapter 5: White Houses
...and his friend John Latting, Julian Perry, Dr. Carter, William Davis, Joe Mack and Norris Murray. Gladys stockpiles food and Ossian collects weapons. And, at Bristol’s urging, Ossian contacts the police... (full context)
Chapter 10: Judgement Day
...defendants but sets their bail prohibitively high. The poorer men, like Joe Mack and Norris Murray, have trouble securing funds, but the higher-profile ones—including Ossian—soon walk free. The Sweets don’t return... (full context)