Bad Dreams


Tessa Hadley

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The Girl’s Book Symbol Analysis

The Girl’s Book Symbol Icon

The girl’s favorite book, Swallows and Amazons, represents the comforting, and sometimes terrifying, potential of imagination. The girl keeps the book near her, sleeping next to it and holding it while trying to complete other tasks. She’s read it several times and reenacts its scenes with her friends at school. It’s clearly a source of delight and comfort for her, a world she can return to in her imagination as much as she likes. But her nightmare, in which she discovers an epilogue to the novel that details its characters’ mundane later lives and deaths, casts a sinister light on the book: her imagination has betrayed her. The book is therefore a potent reminder that although imagination can be held in a small, seemingly benign object like a book, it can become an unwieldy and terrifying force. Imagination can inform its bearer of truths they might not have wanted to consider.

The Girl’s Book Quotes in Bad Dreams

The Bad Dreams quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Girl’s Book. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Imagination Theme Icon
Bad Dreams Quotes

Something had happened, she was sure, while she was asleep. She didn’t know what it was at first, but the strong dread it had left behind didn’t subside with the confusion of waking. Then she remembered that this thing had happened inside her sleep, in her dream.

Related Characters: The Girl
Related Symbols: The Girl’s Book
Page Number: 114
Explanation and Analysis:

Susan lived to a ripe old age. Susan was the dullest of the Swallows, tame and sensible, in charge of cooking and housekeeping. Still, the idea of her ‘ripe old age’ was full of horror: wasn’t she just a girl, with everything ahead of her?

Related Characters: The Girl
Related Symbols: The Girl’s Book
Page Number: 116
Explanation and Analysis:

When she was younger she had called to her mother if she woke in the night, but something stopped her from calling out now: she didn’t want to tell anyone about this. Once the words were said aloud, she would never be rid of them; it was better to keep them hidden.

Related Characters: The Girl, The Mother
Related Symbols: The Girl’s Book
Page Number: 116-117
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Girl’s Book Symbol Timeline in Bad Dreams

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Girl’s Book appears in Bad Dreams. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Bad Dreams
Imagination Theme Icon
...remembers that it happened in her dream. She dreamed that she was reading her favorite book, Swallows and Amazons, which she and her friends at school like to reenact. In her... (full context)
Imagination Theme Icon
Secrecy Theme Icon
Even though the girl knows the book’s epilogue only exists in her dream, its horror stays with her. She doesn’t call out... (full context)
Imagination Theme Icon
Secrecy Theme Icon
Gender and Freedom Theme Icon to find the girl putting her socks on with one hand and reading her book with the other. Even though the girl has read it several times, she insists she... (full context)