Before We Were Free


Julia Alvarez

Lorena is a maid that Mami hires from the Domestic Academy. Anita offers little in the way of description about Lorena, aside from the fact that she’s very superstitious. From the beginning, Mami treats Lorena with suspicion. She believes that Lorena is a spy for the SIM and so she showers Lorena with tips and days off to keep her happy, all while trying to come up with a reason to fire her. Ultimately, Chucha scares her into quitting by setting up her coffin with a bloody sheet in Lorena’s room.

Lorena Quotes in Before We Were Free

The Before We Were Free quotes below are all either spoken by Lorena or refer to Lorena. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Four Quotes

“Doris, put the lid on the sugar bowl, por favor. There are so many flies.”

I look around for flies, but there are none I can see. Lorena has just come out from the kitchen with a tray to collect the empty coffee cups. Perhaps she scared them away.

Then, just like that, it dawns on me: my mother is speaking to Mrs. Washburn in code. She’s saying: We are being overheard; be quiet. It’s as if I’ve stepped into a room I’m not supposed to be in—but now that I’m inside, the door has disappeared. I feel the same way as when Lucinda told me how one day I, too, would get my period.

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Mami (speaker), Mrs. Washburn, Lorena
Page Number: 45
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Chapter Six Quotes

I admit I feel mean participating in this scheme—but I also understand that our lives are in danger. A tip from Lorena could wipe us out. It’s so unfair to have to live in a country where you have to do stuff you feel bad about in order to save your life. It’s like Papi and Tío Toni planning to assassinate Mr. Smith when they know that murder is wrong. But what if your leader is evil and rapes young girls and kills loads of innocent people and makes your country a place where not even butterflies are safe?

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Papi, Chucha, Trujillo/El Jefe/Mr. Smith, Tío Toni, Lorena
Related Symbols: Butterflies and Flight
Page Number: 75
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Lorena Quotes in Before We Were Free

The Before We Were Free quotes below are all either spoken by Lorena or refer to Lorena. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Four Quotes

“Doris, put the lid on the sugar bowl, por favor. There are so many flies.”

I look around for flies, but there are none I can see. Lorena has just come out from the kitchen with a tray to collect the empty coffee cups. Perhaps she scared them away.

Then, just like that, it dawns on me: my mother is speaking to Mrs. Washburn in code. She’s saying: We are being overheard; be quiet. It’s as if I’ve stepped into a room I’m not supposed to be in—but now that I’m inside, the door has disappeared. I feel the same way as when Lucinda told me how one day I, too, would get my period.

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Mami (speaker), Mrs. Washburn, Lorena
Page Number: 45
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Chapter Six Quotes

I admit I feel mean participating in this scheme—but I also understand that our lives are in danger. A tip from Lorena could wipe us out. It’s so unfair to have to live in a country where you have to do stuff you feel bad about in order to save your life. It’s like Papi and Tío Toni planning to assassinate Mr. Smith when they know that murder is wrong. But what if your leader is evil and rapes young girls and kills loads of innocent people and makes your country a place where not even butterflies are safe?

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Papi, Chucha, Trujillo/El Jefe/Mr. Smith, Tío Toni, Lorena
Related Symbols: Butterflies and Flight
Page Number: 75
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