Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Sherry Character Analysis

Trent Turner Sr.’s sister. Sherry and Trent are picked up off the side of the road by Georgia Tann. Shortly after this, Sherry disappears, leaving Trent alone in the orphanage. As an adult, Trent tries to find out what happened to his sister, but she is never heard from again.
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Sherry Character Timeline in Before We Were Yours

The timeline below shows where the character Sherry appears in Before We Were Yours. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
...Tann also mentions their papers will be “issued” soon and that the kids are called Sherry and Stevie. Tann also says that Rill and her siblings will go by May, Iris,... (full context)
Chapter 10
...leads her sisters and brothers through the yard. She spots Stevie, but not his sister Sherry. Rill tells Stevie he can stay with her and he gratefully reaches out for her. (full context)
Chapter 12 they are given to new parents. Rill thinks this must be what happened to Sherry and considers herself lucky—Rill has parents who will come for her. One day Rill hears... (full context)