Blood Meridian


Cormac McCarthy

Colonel Garcia Character Analysis

The leader of a legion of one hundred Sonoran troops, on the hunt for a band of Apaches led by Pablo. Glanton exchanges rudimentary civilities with Garcia while leading his gang to California (though the gang as a unit never makes it farther than the ferry crossing on the Colorado River).
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Colonel Garcia Character Timeline in Blood Meridian

The timeline below shows where the character Colonel Garcia appears in Blood Meridian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 17
Two days later, the gang encounters a legion of one hundred Sonoran troops led by Colonel Garcia . They are seeking a band of Apaches led by a man named Pablo. Glanton... (full context)
...lesser chief called Pascual, and another Indian named Pablo (presumably the leader of the band Colonel Garcia and his Sonoran soldiers were hunting). Davy Brown spits and Glanton calls the bunch “crazylookin,”... (full context)