Blood Meridian


Cormac McCarthy

Reverend Green Character Analysis

Reverend Green, a representative of the Christian religion which is depicted as decaying in the novel, has set up a revival tent in Nacogdoches, Texas, sometime around the time of the kid’s arrival there. While an audience, including the kid, listens to the Reverend’s sermon against sinfulness, the Judge enters the tent and falsely accuses Green of child molestation and of having sexual intercourse with a goat. Outraged, members of Green’s congregation break out into violence and form a posse to hunt Green down. The Judge later reveals that he had never seen or heard of Green before in his life.
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Reverend Green Character Timeline in Blood Meridian

The timeline below shows where the character Reverend Green appears in Blood Meridian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
In Nacogdoches, the Reverend Green is delivering a sermon in a ratty, rain-pelted tent. The kid ducks in and stands... (full context)
...a serene, childlike face and small hands. Addressing the congregation, the Judge announces that Reverend Green is an impostor, without any qualifications to sermonize, who is totally illiterate and wanted by... (full context)
An ugly thug in the back of the tent proposes that the crowd hang Green. Judge Holden, playing on the increasingly violent mob mentality, levels another accusation at Green, that... (full context)
...them. Men pile into the bar; a posse is being assembled to hunt down Reverend Green. One of the men asks the Judge how he knew about Green’s crimes. The Judge... (full context)