Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Brideshead Revisited: Introduction
Brideshead Revisited: Plot Summary
Brideshead Revisited: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Brideshead Revisited: Themes
Brideshead Revisited: Quotes
Brideshead Revisited: Characters
Brideshead Revisited: Symbols
Brideshead Revisited: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Evelyn Waugh

Historical Context of Brideshead Revisited
Other Books Related to Brideshead Revisited
- Full Title: Brideshead Revisited
- When Written: 1944-1945
- Where Written: Devon, England
- When Published: 1945
- Literary Period: Modernism
- Genre: Novel
- Setting: Oxford, England; London, England; the British countryside; various parts of Europe; and Morocco.
- Climax: Charles Ryder, an agnostic who falls in love with the son of a well-known Catholic family during his youth, returns to this family’s home, Brideshead, during his time as an officer in World War II.
- Point of View: First person
Extra Credit for Brideshead Revisited
Lost Love. In his memoirs, Waugh wrote that the character of Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited is based on Alistair Graham, who Waugh met at Oxford and with whom he had a long-term relationship. Like Sebastian and Charles in the novel, Alistair and Waugh’s relationship ended when Alistair went abroad. Waugh, like Charles, left Oxford soon after Alistair’s departure.
Sword of Honor. Waugh wrote in more detail about his experiences in World War II in his novel trilogy, Sword of Honor. The trilogy was a critical success and won Waugh a great deal of literary acclaim.