The Pursuit of Knowledge
Benét builds the central narrative of “By the Waters of Babylon” around John’s coming-of-age and his quest for new knowledge, which takes him east to The Place of the Gods, a mysterious, long-abandoned city that members of his tribe are forbidden from visiting.
Benét presents the desire for knowledge as a key aspect of human nature and the driving force behind the development of human society. Further, Benét presents knowledge as something that feeds…
read analysis of The Pursuit of KnowledgeThe Coming of Age Quest
The story’s narrative centers on the journey that John takes to the Place of the Gods as part of his initiation into manhood and the tribe’s priesthood. John’s journey is a good example of the “hero’s quest,” an archetypal story arc that is common in both ancient myths and modern stories. The “coming-of-age” journey of the hero’s quest often contains certain archetypal elements, and John’s journey has many of these. These elements include time spent…
read analysis of The Coming of Age QuestSuperstition, Magic, and Technology
Benét portrays the Hill People as superstitious by showing John’s firm belief in the power of visions and his willingness to follow unexplained traditions, laws and taboos. John’s tribe has many traditions and taboos, which John often also calls “laws.” Though John implies that there are valid reasons and histories behind these laws, he does not explain them, and it is not clear if he himself knows them. In the opening paragraph of “By…
read analysis of Superstition, Magic, and Technology
Rivalry, War, and Destruction
The rivalry depicted in the story between the Hill People and the Forest People is based on differences that may, at first glance, strike readers as insignificant. Early in the essay, John says, “our women spin wool on the wheel, our priests wear a white robe. We do not eat grubs from the tree, we have not forgotten the old writings.” The apparent triviality of these differences has two important, and related, impacts. First, it…
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